Mind – Body

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside , awakes.”   C. Jung



There has been a proliferation of new research that demonstrates the ways in which the human body and mind are profoundly interconnected. Still to this day however, many aspects of our Western culture and medicine has taught us to understand our bodies and health symptoms as separate and specialized. While it is true our organs are highly specialized, they never working  alone. In my experience, it is essential to consider all aspects of a person’s life (body and mind) while working to resolve emotional health issues. Without consideration of symptoms that are displayed in  both soma and psyche the opportunity is missed to help a person make a permanent pattern change or shift in his or her life.

We often seek out all kinds of treatment while in crisis. And naturally, we want, and to some degree need, an expert to pull us out of the crisis. But once the crisis has abated, we often find ourselves reverting to very unhealthy patterns of living and caring for ourselves The post-crisis moment affords an opportunity for us to take control of our health. This control requires education in order to sustain an optimal or balanced lifestyle. I am interested in helping individuals not only work through their moments of crises, but also take long-term control of their unhealthy patterns. With this approach, there is options to avert future crises and take hold of a more a stable and balanced emotional/physical healthy lifestyle.
